
“Mental wellness for all equals prevention in many forms.”

Founder, GPP

Prevention IS the Intervention®


tjacksonmsw@protonmail.com OR tel:315-570-3456

Why do the terms we use matter?

Minor attracted person or 'MAP' is a widely acknowledged term used in the global Sex Offender Research and Sex Offender Treatment Community.

We did not invent this term.  

MAP is NOT an attempt to 'rebrand' or 'polish' pedophiles. MAP is an umbrella term that includes:

  • Pedophile: an individual attracted to a pre-pubescent child;

  • Hebephile: an individual attracted to a pubescent child (11-14) and;

  • Ephebophile: an individual attracted to a post-pubescent child (i.e., a teen, 15-19).

These terms define an 'attraction' not a 'behavior.' By using these terms we under no circumstances are condoning or accepting the sexual abuse of children. 

To learn more about these various Chronophilias (we didn't make up this term either), we suggest reading The Puzzle of Male Chronophilia by Michael Seto.

what exactly is AN "Anti-Contact, Non-Offending" Pedophile? 

Have you ever heard of the following words used in the same sentence: anti-contact pedophile? How about a non-offending pedophile?

For more information about these terms watch Dr. Elizabeth Letourneau's TedMed talk at the bottom of this page.

Because society often conflates ‘pedophile’ and ‘sex offender,' many people believe ALL pedophiles have sexually abused children. This creates a reinforced belief system that when confronted, is hard to conceive; i.e. that someone who is a pedophile hasn’t sexually abused a child nor has any desire to do so. While statistics vary, research indicates a large majority of sex offenders with child victims are not actually pedophiles (Seto, 2009).  

Many men and women seeking services at our project share feeling like this is an unchosen, unwanted condition that began in adolescence. Some pedophiles also report significant trauma and arrested development at the age of which they find themselves attracted. For more information about men and women who have pedophilia and who have NO desire to EVER harm a child, listen to our podcast, The Prevention Podcast.™ 

In Seto’s article The Puzzle of Male Chronophilia (2016) he asserts, “A sexual interest in sexually mature adolescents, though socially sanctioned in modern Western societies if under the legal age of consent, is neither uncommon nor atypical."

Our goal is to ensure that individuals with an attraction to minors do not act on these attractions, but instead learn healthy tools to remain safe in our communities. Therefore, we provide preventive-interventions to all MAPs.

Mental wellness equals

prevention on many levels (suicide, harm to others, depression, shame, etc.)

Map support club-a great resource for maps, therapists, allies!

The MAP Support Club (MSC) is a community for Minor Attracted People (MAPs) of all ages who are committed to never harming a child and are fundamentally against adult-child sex. It is intended as a community where MAPs can connect with one another, offer and receive support in difficult times and overall just enjoy a relaxed atmosphere where one can have fun and not be judged.

If you are interested in joining MAP SUPPORT CLUB, click here.




This is an online resource developed by the faculty and staff at John Hopkins University, although the resources on this site are not endorsed by the Moore center or John Hopkins University. This online course is for young people attracted to children with minor attractions. There are 5 online modules including: What is Child Sexual Abuse, Telling Someone About Your Attraction, Coping with Your Sexual Attraction, Building a Positive Self Image, and Building a Healthy Sexuality.

Just Dreaming of Them

The Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine in Berlin has offered this therapy services since 2014 to help adolescents who experience sexual arousal by children. Their basic principle is that nobody is responsible for his/her feelings but everybody is responsible for his/her behavior and actions. Their approach is to help youth control their actions and behavior via therapy at no charge and with full patient-therapist confidentiality. Reporting is not required in Germany.


Therapist-Led Weekly psycho-educational call-in support groups For Minor Attracted Persons GLOBALLY.

We have had individuals call in from all over the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Africa, Ireland, and Australia. We have an imprint on all 7 continents and in over 66 countries.

We have had individuals call in from all over the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Africa, Ireland, and Australia. We have an imprint on all 7 continents and in over 66 countries.

Other online Support 

If you are struggling with a minor attraction and have no desire to harm a child but feel depressed, isolated, shame, stigmatized, and/or are suicidal, there is on-going global peer support. 

The following are online support forums available 24/7. 


Is a private and confidential peer support network for MAPs and "is intended to reduce the stigma attached to pedophilia by letting people know that a substantial number of pedophiles DO NOT molest children, and to provide peer support and information about available resources to help virtuous pedophiles remain law-abiding, and lead happy, productive lives" (retrieved from virped.org website). Note: This online chat is anti-contact.


This is an excellent online resource page for and about Minor Attraction, developed by non-offending, minor-attracted individuals and their allies. Their are links for journalists, therapists, MAPs, friends and family, other useful information, a blog, as well as A MAPs Journey podcast with MAP Elliott.


Is a private and confidential peer support network for MAPs and "provides peer support through a password-protected online forum where MAPs can talk with each other about issues related to their emotional well-being. These issues may include coping with stigma, fear, frustration, or secrecy, finding fulfilling relationships, working with mental health professionals, living within the law, or any other issues that may or may not be related to sexuality" (retrieved from B4U-ACT Website). Note: Some MAPs who are part of B4U-ACTs online chat may not have the same views we hold, namely our anti-contact stance.


Offers online self management tools for individuals attracted to children or early adolescents (i.e. MAPs). "The goal is ultimately to prevent child sexual abuse and the use of child abuse images and to alleviate the distress experienced by those with paedophilic inclinations" (retrieved from troubled-desire website).

Stop It Now’s helpline

Help Services – Stop It Now! offers direct help to individuals with questions or concerns about sexual abuse. We offer respectful and compassionate support for people seeking help with concerns about their own sexual thoughts, feelings and behaviors towards children. We offer resources and guidance through a confidential and toll-free Helpline (1.888.PREVENT), email and chat services. No one has to be alone – you deserve a place to talk about what you need to live a safe and fulfilling life.

MAP Resources and Therapy

This is a global MAP resource page with various avenues of support. This page includes (but is not limited to) how to vet a therapist, security tips for being online, a page to participate in on-going research, information to online support groups and so much more. Check it out!

Schicksal und Herausforderung e.V.

Schicksal und Herausforderung e.V. - “Fate and Challenge” is an online peer support group designed to inform about pedophilia, a non-offending lifestyle and related topics. One key element are texts by non-offending pedophiles about their personal experiences. In 2017, they founded a peer-support forum that is similar to VirPed: “Gemeinsam statt allein” (GSA, german for “together instead of alone”).